由于一项史无前例的应用,测试水质变得更容易、更便宜. The free, easy-to-use app, called Turbidivision, can measure the turbidity, or cloudiness, of water through user-uploaded images.
Get your name on more than a diploma
As early as their first year, 学生可以参与沉浸式的研究机会, fostering inquisitive minds through hands-on, real-world experience. Our students work with faculty, peers, 社区合作伙伴和独立提出重要问题,并以周到和创新的方式寻求答案.
感谢通过大学和捐助资金提供的机会, 浩博体育app的学生可以在整个学年里工作,也可以在暑假里磨练自己的专业技能,在从市场营销到生物学的各个领域发挥影响力.
First-Year Opportunities
Share the Impact
At the end of each summer, 学生们聚在一起分享他们的研究成果和经验,庆祝他们的辛勤工作.